How to Underline in Google Sheets: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Underline in Google Sheets

In today’s digital age, Google Sheets has become a necessary tool for individuals and businesses alike.

Whether you’re managing data, creating spreadsheets, or analyzing information, Google Sheets provides a wide range of features to enhance your productivity.

One of the most common formatting techniques is underlining text, which helps draw attention to specific information.

In this article, we will explore various methods of How to underline in Google Sheets and provide step-by-step instructions to help you master this essential skill.

How to Underline in Google Sheets: Step-by-Step Guide

1. Using the Toolbar

To underline text in Google Sheets, you can utilize the toolbar, which offers a convenient and straightforward approach. Follow these steps:

  1. Select the cell or range of cells where you want to underline the text.
  2. Locate the toolbar at the top of the screen and find the “Underline” icon.
  3. Click on the “Underline” icon and the selected text will be underlined instantly.

2. Keyboard Shortcut


Google Sheets also provides a handy keyboard shortcut to underline text swiftly. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Select the cell or range of cells you wish to underline.
  2. Press the “Ctrl+U” key (or the “Cmd+U” key on Mac) simultaneously.
  3. The selected text will be underlined immediately.

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3. Using the Format Options

Another method to underline in Google Sheets is by accessing the “Format” options. Follow these steps:

Removing Underlines from Individual Cells
  1. Select the cell or range of cells you want to underline.
  2. Go to the menu bar and click on “Format.”
  3. From the dropdown menu, navigate to “Text” and click on it.
  4. A submenu will appear, and you should choose “Underline.”

4. Conditional Formatting

Google Sheets offers the flexibility to apply to underlines based on specific conditions. This feature is known as conditional formatting. Here’s how you can utilize it:

  1. Select the cell or range of cells you want to format conditionally.
  2. Go to the menu bar and click on “Format.”
  3. From the dropdown menu, choose “Conditional formatting.”
  4. In the conditional formatting window, set the desired condition and select the underline formatting option.
  5. Click on “Done” to apply the conditional formatting.


Mastering the art of underlining in Google Sheets is a valuable skill that allows you to emphasize important information and improve the visual clarity of your spreadsheets.

In this article, we explored multiple methods to underline text, ranging from using the toolbar and keyboard shortcuts to utilizing conditional formatting.

Additionally, we answered some common questions related to underlining in Google Sheets. By applying these techniques, you can enhance the readability and organization of your data in Google Sheets.

Remember, underlining is just one of the many formatting options in Google Sheets. Experiment with different styles and combinations to create visually appealing spreadsheets that meet your specific needs.

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FAQs – How to Underline in Google Sheets

Can I underline specific parts of a cell’s text in Google Sheets?

Yes, you can underline specific parts of a cell’s text in Google Sheets. However, it requires a combination of formulas and custom formatting. You can achieve this effect by utilizing the

function along with conditional formatting. For detailed instructions, please refer to the official Google Sheets documentation.

Can I remove the underline from the text in Google Sheets?

Certainly! To remove the underline from the text in Google Sheets, you can follow these steps:
1. Select the cell or range of cells with the underlined text.
2. Locate the toolbar and click on the “Underline” icon again.
3 The underline formatting will be removed, leaving the text unadorned.

Is it possible to change the color of the underline in Google Sheets?

No, Google Sheets does not provide a built-in option to change the color of underlined text. The text color itself determines the underline color.

Can I underline multiple lines of text within a single cell in Google Sheets?

No, it is not possible to underline multiple lines of text within a single cell in Google Sheets. Underlining applies only to the entire cell or a range of cells.

Does the underlining format remain when I export a Google Sheets document to another format, such as Microsoft Excel?

When exporting a Google Sheets document to another format, such as Microsoft Excel, the underlining format is preserved. However, it is essential to note that some formatting features may not transfer seamlessly between different spreadsheet applications.

Are there any alternative formatting options to underline text in Google Sheets?

Yes, Google Sheets provides various formatting options to enhance the appearance of text, including bold, italic, strikethrough, and changing font colors. These options can be accessed through the toolbar or the Format menu.